A new year means new resolutions, and for dancers that often means setting new goals for technique, flexibility, and strength. Fortunately, we live in a day and age where there is a device or tool made specifically for these things. So this year, we compiled a group of dancer enhancing tools to get you in peak condition! Check them out below:

Introducing Suffolk Pointe's new Training Tools! Here is a breakdown of these awesome new items.
Balance Board: This circular board is mounted on a round base, giving the dancer the challenge of keeping balance, using their core, and isolating the muscle effort.
Foam Roller: Even if you aren't a dancer, foam rollers do muscle a whole lot of good. You essentially "roll out" muscle groups to keep them limber and warm and to alleviate soreness.
Resistance Bands: These, when strategically placed, give resistance to stretches and help build strength.
Massage Stick: Just as it sounds, this magical stick goes a little deeper than the foam roller and really massage the muscle and fascia.
Limber Loop: This band can be used for a variety of stretches and strengthening exercises.
It is long enough to use for full split as well as arabesque
stretches, and with regular use will help improve your flexibility and
Massage Ball: Similar to the massage stick, this massage ball helps relieve muscle tension in smaller spots that need a little more effort, especially for the feet!
Stand Alone Stretch Barre
Use this as a barre to stretch on, or a way to help all of your splits. Simply get into your split (any side) and as you gain more flexibility, raise the front leg to the next peg.
Ballet Foot Stretch
Still one of our best sellers, this device stretches the foot, calf, and shin muscles to help strengthen and lengthen your point!
Come by either of our stores to check out what is in stock!