This time each year we put up our Christmas trees in each store, fill it with dancing ornaments, your pointe shoe creations, and a little love from our design department. We meet Nutcracker participants, Christmas show dancers, and the like all gearing up for their performances. We get coaches and instructors coming in to design costumes for their upcoming season, and we get in all of our adorable winter fashion. Needless to say, winter is a very busy season for us and we love every second of it.
We know how busy you are too, which is partly why we have our website,, to help with your last minute costume needs, Christmas presents, and warmers. When you sign up on our website, you get 10% off your purchase plus we have free USPS first class shipping on orders over $25.00!
Check out some great stocking stuffer ideas for your dancer or gymnast!
Also, check out our awesome dance and gym bag stock! You'll be sure to find something perfect!
We hope you fill this season with giving and thanks, appreciating your loved ones, and dancing your hearts out!
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
BP Dancewear/BP Designs Staff